Friday, December 30, 2011

Not Juz Smokin...

mess with this babe, and that can be injurious....
Monochrome painting with colour over.
I was studying various poses.... Tried developing this one. Gotta improve my anatomy knowledge too. But i m happy with my results so far.

Phewww...... der was a lotta updates this month! After all  its the year end, din want to keep anything pending and start new year with fresh works .

Advance Happy New Year To All ...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

X men: Bishop Speed Paint

Bishop from X men......Was watching Wolverine and the X-men cartoon series....
Speed paint ~1 hr.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Red Head Speed Paint

A speed coloring of a random sketch which i found......

Monday, November 21, 2011

In the Jungle 01

My first BG painting....

This is my Bday Spl post..... 
Its a really cool Bday.... din notice until my friend told me!!!
11+11= 22 = my age!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Indian Princess

Finally..... After 10 months or so restarted this and somehow finished it. Not so happy but still din wanted to leave it halfway. An experiment with cloth painting.... those prints were all painted.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

BG Art

I started drawing BGs recently.
My initial tries.....

The following one was done with reference from Tarzan Movie .

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Its almost month end...... and i avnt updated anything!
I got a job as a 3D artist in a studio in chennai plus some freelance illustration works, which gives me very little time for my works :(
But the good side is now i got more into traditional sketching and all..... be it in studio or home i m doing it!
So this month i am updating with few sketches (rather say scribbles) i did recently..... i guess this is what its going to be for following months too......  sketches!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sandra: The Explorer

Sandra...... Finally I did it!
Made this for my portfolio.Lotta troubles this girl gave me during rigging (as i told in my last post i hate that necessary evil), But at the end i learned it!
Few days back i made this vector kind of BG (cudnt think of any other), and now i present her to you :)
So happy to see this output :)

I ll submit the Bikini model of the same later... :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Butcher

Finally... my first original 3d char.......... The Butcher!
All except the rigging (i hate that necessary evil) done by me :)
I may update it with better quality l8r. For now here it is...

Btw my blog completed 1 year successfully without missing an upload /month. One of the reason for starting the blog itself was to keep myself in touch with my skills and see to that i do some kind of work every month in between my classes. So glad that it did well and i hope to continue it further...
Thank U :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

When I went back...

Last week i was in Kerala, back in my home town. A trip back to my good old childhood days...
This time i took some pictures too...

Some Wild Flowers:


The Green fields and ponds:

Its was juz awesome...!!! Wish i had a better cam and more time there...

Btw i did a super fast doodle in my dad's laptop der...

All pictures above are copyright protected.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I See the Lights...

Without Rapunzel, Flynn is incomplete ;)
Another cutest character from  Tangled (Disney).
This was supposed to be a 3hr speed paint..... but went on working on it for  6-7hrs (not straight, only when i feel bored of my other works!).

This time i made an animated wip too.... check it out :D
I enjoyed doing this. Hope u like it..... :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Here comes the smolder.....

Been after my class projects so long that i don even get time to paint.
I really gotta improve my skills in that, so i decided to make more; to paint atleast once a week.
Here is speed paint of Flynn Rider from my favorite movie Tangled (Disney). Well.... made some proportional errors. :( Should get it rite next time...
It took me around 3hrs to do this (S... i still call it a speed paint!).

Friday, February 18, 2011

Dirty Toilet

Another 3D set... tried my hand in lighting too this time.
Used a 3d reference (which was a super realistic one)... Done lighting all by myself :D and the textures were mostly hand painted.
Like the dungeon, the idea was to bring max similarity to the reference.